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True Bethel Baptist Church began on November 8, 1961 in the home of Mr. & Mrs. Elijah Tillman with eight (8) members. The name True Bethel means "True House of God".

On February 26, 1962 the late Rev. Peter Trammel, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church ordained Rev. Floyd Summers as the new Pastor of True Bethel Baptist Church located at 457 Genesee Street, Buffalo, NY.

In 1993 True Bethel was in search of a pastor and Rev. Motley Spells gave Sis. Essie Brock a card with the name of Darius G. Pridgen. After, hearing him only three times, Albert Swain, Chairman of the Deacon Board felt moved to accept Pastor Pridgen on trial for two years. After nine months, the church voted Pastor Pridgen into full term as Pastor of True Bethel Baptist Church.

Over the past 12 years the church has grown tremendously from a congregation of 25 members to well over 3000 moving from 491 E. Ferry Street, to the current East location at 907 E. Ferry Street the second location Downtown at 472 Swan Street which came to pass in 2002 and the third location 1112 South Avenue in Niagara Falls, NY.

Pastor Pridgen's vision is to spread the gospel of Christ in such a way that adults, youth and where even a child would understand the teachings of our Lord and be able to apply them to their lives. Pastor Pridgen often says "If I can change the way they think, then I have helped them." This ministry believes in the true commission of helping others and letting them know that their appearance is not what matters to God, but their heart is the center of his attention.

But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the same things man looks at, the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

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