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MultiMedia Ministry
This ministry sets up equipment as well as operate the church sound, video and lighting systems during regular services, special events (revivals, weddings, concerts and other programs). They record and maintain an audio and video library of worship services and programs on tape, CD and /or DVD and are available for order. 

Children's Ministry
The Children's Ministry's is for children ages 4-12. In addition, we have Children's Church, which is a training ground for the young people to learn how church service is run. It runs alongside our 9:30a.m. service. We emphasize the learning of the Holy Bible and is taught by a staff interested in the spiritual growth of our children. 

Christian Education / Bible Academy
Educating the body of Christ through various means including Bible Study, which is divided into various courses of interests. It is also divided by age for the younger students. Our Pastor and ministry staff teaches the General Sessions each Thursday at 7:00 p.m. 

Deaf Ministry
Provides interpreting and translation to our deaf members and guests so that hearing impaired people can fully participate in our worship services, bible study & other events. This ministry also offers sign language classes in our specialized Bible Academy sessions (Interpreter is available at our 7:45 a.m. service) 

Drama Ministry
This ministry prepares and presents dramas and skits used in Worship Services and on other occasions. It includes those interested in acting, directing, working on set construction, props, costumes, lighting, etc. 

Evangelism Ministry
The goal of this ministry is the seeking of lost souls for Jesus to save. They recruit and develop teams to hold events that allow the Word of God to be distributed to the lost. 

Hospitality Ministry
This ministry is responsible for the welcoming of all visitors and guests for Sunday morning worship services and at other special events. They also assist with making information available regarding our church and various church events. 

Men's Council
The vision of the Men's Ministry of True Bethel is to see each man further his own personal relationship with Jesus Christ and become the man of integrity that God created him to be. We are dedicated to building a great church by building great men. 

Music Ministry
True Bethel's Music Ministry consists of these groups:

  • The Voices of Angels (ages 4-12)

  • Nu-Revelation (Youth and Young Adults)

  • United Voices of Praise (Adult Choir)

  • Power of Praise (The Men's Choir)

  • Sanctuary Choir (Combined Choirs)

  • Spirit of David

There are various directors and musicians that aid the ministry. Voices and musicians are always welcome to become a part of the Music Department. 

Nurses Ministry
The Nurses' Ministry helps with the needs of the Pastor and congregation. The nurses are available to assist with first aid emergencies that occur in service. They also educate the church family in health related issues with information regarding the prevention of illness and diseases. 

Praise Dance Teams
Members offer their talents to serve and be used by ministries for events within the church as well as for local outreach presentations. The Praise Dance Teams are:

  • David Dancers (Children)

  • R.A.P (Radical Anointed Praise-Youth & Young Adults)

  • Order My Steps (Women Dancers)

Prayer Ministry
Offer up intercessory prayer for the Body of Christ. Regular prayer vigils are held on behalf of the church. 

Security Ministry
Provides a secure environment for worshippers inside our church walls and in our parking areas. 

A ministry that encourages the fellowship of our members and friends who are 65 years of age and older. 
Transportation Ministry
This ministry seeks to provide for the transportation needs of the congregation. They are responsible for training drivers when needed, maintenance of vehicles and keeping up-to-date records on all vehicles. This ministry also establishes policies for bus/van usage. 

Usher Ministry
Serve as doorkeepers to God's House. The Usher Ministries (Youth and Adults) of True Bethel often work as one. This ministry assists visitors with seating and stands ready at the doors and other locations during the services. 

Women's Ministry
Developed to meet the spiritual needs of the women of the church.

Youth Warriors for Christ
The Youth Department ministers to the needs of our youth ages 17 and under. Our mission is to encourage our youth to worship God by creating an atmosphere that provides spiritual maturity and Christian fellowship. For more information, contact our Youth Director, at 895-8222 ext 212.


True Bethel Charities

Clothes Closet (Clothing Pantry)
This ministry collects and distributes clothing to people of the congregation and the community free of charge. The Clothes Closet open every Wednesday and the third Saturday of every month from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. and is located at 1288 Fillmore Ave in Buffalo. 

Nehemiah Arms (Emergency Housing)
This ministry provides transitional housing to those who are displaced due to the loss of income, sickness and or natural disasters. 

Taste of Faith (Food Pantry)
This ministry strives to assist people in our congregation and of the community in need of food, and refer people to organizations that can help with employment, financial, and other types of counseling.

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